CoronaVirus Impacts – Our Experience of Sheltering In Place

The writer shares their experience of adapting to the Shelter in Place order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a business continuity consultant, they describe preparing for the lockdown, stocking up on essentials, adjusting to working from home, and finding ways to cope through family time, cooking, and staying connected. They emphasize the importance of staying healthy and positive during this challenging time.

Elections in Gujarat – Both Sides on a Tight Rope

I am sure we are all aware that the election season is back in the country - yes I know that the "Big Elections" are still away for more than a year. However, the media glare for ongoing elections for the state assembly in Gujarat is no less than for a General Election. If reports … Continue reading Elections in Gujarat – Both Sides on a Tight Rope

Back are THOSE days !! Its Emergency in effect…

I wake up one morning from my comfy bed at the hotel, brew my morning coffee and switch on the TV to catch on what is latest from back home. It seems something pretty terrible is happening as the flash news alerts talk about some sort of emergency been declared, schools being closed, people advised … Continue reading Back are THOSE days !! Its Emergency in effect…

Big Bucks De-Legalized 3: Life Since Demonetization

In the previous article, we talked about how the government prepared for bringing about the boldest monetary reform in the country - Demonetization. 86% of currency in circulation was overnight declared void and new notes were brought in. The government planned for every potential scenario they could imagine but were prepared to handle situations unforeseen. … Continue reading Big Bucks De-Legalized 3: Life Since Demonetization

Travel Preparations – Well Prepared is Half Done

We all love to travel - don't we? and we are ready to head out of the town at every available opportunity. But if you have been to a visit recently, you would know how difficult are the days leading up to the start of vacation. There are unending multiple lists of tasks that one … Continue reading Travel Preparations – Well Prepared is Half Done